Friday, April 4, 2008


princess katiepie gave me a poke today. she feared that since there were no recent posts, that life has gone a bit sour. again.

never fear, i've just been working on STUFF. all kinds of stuff. getting ready to garden stuff. reading blogs stuff. art stuff. business plan stuff. how to not get distracted by shiny things stuff.

it also appears that it really *is* spring. WHOPPPEEEEE! there, i got it out of my system. WHOOOPPPEEEEEEEE! oops, i lied.

i'm also trying to figure out how best to get my web presence best together. i have a blog *here* and photos *there* and artwork for trading *over yonder* and then there's always the stuff to sell.

oh yes. i hate ebay. it's official as of the day i got my monthly billing from them. not sure exactly how it happened, but almost HALF of what i made my first month goes back to them. i'm thinking that i'm only going to use them to sell fibers by the yard, cos it *is* easier to do there than anywhere else i can think of. i have X yards and you can buy y amount right now. otherwise, for artwork, (jewelry, fiber, knitting) i know what i need to make. on ebay i might get it, but i'm thinking it's much more likely that i'll *actually* get a sale through

i dunno. life is complicated. and it's spring. WHOOPPPPEEEEEE!




Aimeslee Winans said...

okay, before i forget, you're in my blog post today, go look, you make my day! (Oh, I just now see you commented already and know, OK! sorry, my brain is tax-ified

looking over your lists of artists, yep, i am in kandinsky so much i have several of his prints in my family room, lol. no kidding. love all the poets except i never heard of neruda, music check altho i am more stevie ray vaughn and 60/70/80's rock.

lmp said...

I too am excited that spring is in the air and equally distractable. I also love shiny things. :)