Monday, March 24, 2008


i keep thinking that i have a problem with time management. i don't really. what i have a real problem with is distraction. as in "oh look! something shiny!"

it seems to begin simply enough...i go looking for something i need to complete a current project. i run across something i was looking for yesterday/last week/last year and put that aside. then i find something that would work nicely with the first set aside bit and i have a brill idea brewing. then i have to stop completely to run and fetch my sketchbook to make sure i get all the swirly bits down (apparently, so they don't leak out my ears). then while i'm in the sketchbook i happen to page past something that i r*e*a*l*l*y wanted to try yesterday/last week/last year and decide that i need to look for x/y/z to make sure i can get that down next.

"oh look! something shiny" and it's next tuesday and i can't imagine where the last two days went.

but i know where all the shiny things live...


Unknown said...

According to Jim - these are called "red balls." He is constantly chasing them! Did you know that "red balls" multiply faster than rabbits or any other known species?! miss bean

forcryeye said...

OH MY! You just described my life. I think it is called ADD, ha ha. If only I had the hyperactive part. I loved your comment about my dream. I am going to embrace that panther...and make her mine!

Sandi said...

oh miss bean! i hooted outloud! red balls...brilliant!

Connie said...

LOL-your blog is very funny. I can really relate to this post - i will spend hours - literally hours - in my shop only to realize i have done nothing that is creditable as having been accomplished! ...but i did clean up part of THIS pile, reread THOSE instructions, found the missing part for THAT project, etc etc.
...i am such a procrastinator!...or maybe i just lack focus.......

Sandi said...

oh suffer from "shiny things" too! i think it must be indigenous to arty types.