Tuesday, March 11, 2008

on feeling productive

not sure that i got a lot done today, but i sure feel productive. working still at 'puter files, trying to delete and organize. also did some digital scrapbooking. woot! kinda fun once i got passed being frustrated at not knowing the software. luckily, the company that produces the software has tutorials online, so i used those to find my way around.

i'm working at a couple of submissions for Somerset Memories. they have ongoing calls for both digital work and a category called "tattoos and all", scrapbooking that's more than just happy babies and squirming puppies. (not that there is anything wrong with babies and puppies. i have scrapbbooked my share of both). but this is the real gut stuff...working through sometimes unpleasant issues et al. so i'm working on a digital scrapbook of my tattoos.

i'm doing the pages in the order that i got the ink, trying along the way to reconstruct the time frame. i'm also explaining the significance of the symbols i chose, something i may not get into with people.

i must admit, i didn't think i would find working digitally to be fun...after all there is no cardstock or paper running through my fingers.

when the scrapbook is done and the pages printed and embellished, i think i shall scan them into a .pdf so i can share.

stay tuned.

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