Monday, March 10, 2008

on time and time management

time is not my friend. it seems either that i have too much time or not enough. right now, it's not enough.

i have *so* many ideas. i can and do fill sketchbooks with them but never get back to anything cos i'm on to more. i wish i could just sell my ideas. but i love creating just as much if not more then simply coming up with the idea.

i still struggle with the whole time management issue too. how does one successfully combine being an artist with being a businessperson? cos you can't be successful at either without marrying them both. the only real marketing i can do right now seems to be the guerilla kind. posting on groups, posting on more groups, generating ebay listings. and that all takes time.

i need to get to the point that i can hire someone, even part time to do this stuff for me. but i can't help but think that in this venture, i need to do it all and i need to figure out how to do it all. preferably so i can hire someone to do it for me. a circle in a circle in a circle...

1 comment:

*jean* said...

Hi Sandi - I feel this exact way lately. It has taken me forever to do all the computer work, set up etsy, blog, join and monitor groups, etc. that I almost have no time for playing!! I'm going to only do computer groups & email in am for one hour. Then on Sat. ams I'll do Etsy stuff. On sunday and one evening a week I'm doing art's a start for time managing...oh, I loved Stones from the River too, on my top ten. Thanks for visiting my blog...jean