Tuesday, March 4, 2008

on living the dream

ok so today, i was affirming to my friend Katie that i am Sandi the heroine becoming artist. yipes. now i have to follow through. i always seem to place roadblocks squarely in my own path. i'm probably one of the worst self-sabotagers i've ever encountered.

i can't work at art today cos i have to get ebay listings ready. i can't work at art today cos i have a wedding dress to finish. i can't work at art today cos i have to watch Sara's littlers. i can't work at art today cos i have to make bidness cards, work on my bidness plan, advertise, scan, plan, press, make a shopping list for fire mountain gems.

bah. living the dream ain't so dreamy sometime. it's freakin work and i don't like it! ah well.

i'm not always so good at time planning. i tend to throw myself at tasks and spend hours in a row till the task is done. i have kind of forgotten that i'm doing this work, so i *can* be a self-supporting artist. but...i can't support myself unless i have the good to sell!

today's big idea was to start a blog or yahoo group to sell/trade my craft/fiction/spiritual/self help books. so i got all caught up in deciding the best way to do that while tending both a 5 year old and an 18 month old. nothing much got done other than a mess in my living room. a lovely mess. a tea party mess. a making castles with pillows mess. a let's get into sandi's beading basket mess...yup, i knew the littler was getting into trouble. she was just too quiet.

ah well. that's why they make good vacuums. and nylons.

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