Saturday, March 8, 2008

tangerine dream

i dreamt...

that i and some friends were approaching the graduation ceremony from our spiritual school. we were all happy and excited, that we had made friends from the beginning and we all made it to the end.

the monks took us to a huge building...HUGE...easily covering several square blocks in the warehouse part of town. the building was old brick, but it looked like it had been well kept.

the monks took us in and immediately we were faced with a massive old elevator that took us to the top floor several stories up. the ride seemed oddly smooth and fast and when we arrived, the monks explained that this was our simply get back to the ground floor. when we looked around us, we saw long hallways filled with strong wooden doors.

the catch was that the elevator not only went up and down but from front to back and side to side, never coming back to the same door twice. the test no longer seemed so simple to me.

the monks blessed us and left and we decided as a group that it was all for one and one for all...we all passed or we all failed. so we each struck out in a different direction and began to open doors. door after door opened to darkness. door after door opened to nothing.

i opened a door, expecting again darkness, when to my surprise, it was the elevator and on board was an old wizened man who motioned for me to follow him. when i called for my friends, the old man shook his head sadly and the elevator left just as my friends were arriving.

tough luck for us all and we all went our separate ways again. this cycle repeated 3 times until finally my friends jeered and said that i was just trying to get attention. i felt so sad...i knew the way...i just couldn't make them see.

the next time i found the elevator and the old man, i did nothing except step into the elevator. the old man never said a word, just lead me from door to door and down and down until i reached the bottom floor. whem i turned to thank him...he was gone.

the monks rejoiced and blessed me again and we all walked away to celebrate.

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